Welcome to Pataskala Oaks

Short Term Rehabilitation & Long Term Care Services

Why We Are Different

Quality of Life

We are proud to be part of the Ohio Person Centered Care Coalition. By implementing our “Person Centered Care Program” we are giving you the choice in how you live your life. We strive to preserve and enhance your dignity and individuality. We recognize everyone has the potential to grow emotionally and socially and has the right to live life to the fullest. The “culture change” movement involves a transformation based on person-directed values and person-directed practices where voices of residents, families and those working closest with them are honored and respected. Culture change is about creating a home inside our community. We will help you incorporate your favorite activities and interests into your daily life. Whether it is a social, religious or community activity we invite you to explore, learn and grow with us. We are successful when together we enhance you self-worth and self-esteem.